Opportunities and Prospective Students

  • General inquiries

    I do not currently have any open searches. Recent positions I have advertised include a PhD role studying climate adaptation communication and a postdoc position studying the social diffusion of climate action.

    If you are interested in exploring postdoctoral scholar or research associate opportunities in my lab, please feel free to reach out to discuss ideas.

    Prospective students are also welcome to contact me if you’re interested in exploring future graduate opportunities within the HD Lab. Please include the following in your email:
    - A current CV
    - 1-2 paragraphs outlining your research interests, and how they align with the HD Lab
    - How you plan to pursue funding for your graduate degree (see here for details)

    For more details on the graduate admission process in the Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Sciences department, check out the department website.

  • Other conservation social science opportunities

    There are many other research groups working on these issues. You might consider subscribing to some list-servs to where you can keep track of graduate student and postdoctoral opportunities as they arise, including:

    • IASNR google group (International Association for Society & Natural Resources)

    • SSWG google group (Society for Conservation Biology’s Social Science Working Group)

    • ESS forum (Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences)