Publications and Talks
This is a subset of outputs from my most recent work. If you’re interested in learning more about the processes that led to these products, check out my research and facilitation sections. If you can’t access any of these publications because of a paywall, please email me and I’d be happy to share it.
Peer-reviewed publications
Waldo JL, Needham MD & Jones MS. (2025). How can we sea change? Audience subgroups and psychological cognitions to target in action-oriented ocean change communication. Marine Policy.
Champine VM, Tamlyn K, Jones MS, Balgopal MM, Bruyere B, Solomon JN, & Niemiec RM. (2025). An audience segmentation study of native plant gardening behaviors in the United States. Landscape and Urban Planning, 256, 105272.
Jones MS, Cravens AE, Zarestky J, Ngai C, and Love H. (2024). Facilitating psychological safety in science and research teams. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications.
Thomas-Walters L*, Cologna L, de Lange E, Ettinger J, Selinske M, and Jones MS. (2024). Reframing conservation audiences from individuals to social beings. Conservation Letters.
Robison V, Jones MS, Erickson B, and Biedenweg K. (2024). Communication approaches and specialists that can improve fisheries management. Fisheries, 49(7), 319-326.
Jones MS. (2024). What does it really mean to “integrate the human dimensions” into fish and wildlife management? Reflections on engagement with psychology. Human Dimensions of Wildlife.
Cronin MR, Zavaleta E, Beltran RS, Payne A, Termini V, and Jones MS. (2024). Testing the effectiveness of interactive training on sexual harassment and assault in field science. Scientific Reports, 14(523),
Wilkins K, Carroll SL, Davis KP, Hauptfeld R, Jones MS, Larson CL, Laverty TM, & Pejchar L. (2023). Sexual harassment disproportionately affects ecology and evolution graduate students with multiple marginalized identities in the United States. BioScience, 73(5), 376-387.
Jones MS, & Niemiec RM. 2023. Motivating relational organizing behavior for biodiversity conservation. Conservation Science and Practice, 5(2), e12880.
Sullivan, L, Jones MS, Jimenez MF, Dodgson KR, Storrs EL. 2022. Justice discourses in the mainstream environmental movement, 30 years after the SWOP letter. Environmental Justice.
Hauptfeld R, Jones MS and Skylander K. 2022. Building capacity for individual and systems-level collaborative conservation impacts: Intentional design for transformative practice. Society & Natural Resources.
Sterling EJ, Sigouin A, Betley E, Zavaleta Cheek J, Solomon J, Landrigan K, Porzecanski, AL, Bynum N, Cadena B, Clements K, Chenga SH, Finchum R, Geresy M, Gomez A, Groom M, Loffeld T, Miller D, Rakotobe D, Rao M, Roberts R, Shinbrot X, Willigan E and Jones MS. 2022. The state of capacity development evaluation in conservation and natural resource management. Oryx.
Cravens AE, Jones MS, Ngai C, Zaretsky J, and Love HB. 2022. Articulating the value and practice of science facilitation. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications.
Champine V, Jones MS, Lischka S, Vaske J and Niemiec RM. 2022. Understanding individual and diffusion behaviors related to native plant gardening. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 101798.
Jones MS, Teel TL, Solomon J and Weiss J. 2021. Evolving systems of pro-environmental behavior among urban wildscape gardeners. Landscape and Urban Planning, 207, 104018.
Niemiec RM, Mertens A, Jones MS and Dillard C. 2021. The effectiveness of COVID- related message framing on public beliefs and behaviors related to plant-based diets. Appetite, 105293.
Wilkins K, Pejchar L, Carroll S, Jones MS, Walker S, Shinbrot X, Huayahuaca C, Fernandez-Gimenez M and Reid R. Accepted. Collaborative conservation in the United States: A review of motivations, goals, and outcomes. Biological Conservation, 259, 109165.
Niemiec RM, Jones MS, Lischka S and Champine V. 2021. Efficacy-based and normative interventions for facilitating the diffusion of conservation behavior through social networks. Conservation Biology.
Batavia C, Nelson MP, Bruskotter JT, Jones MS, Yanco E, Ramp D, Bekoff M and Wallach AD. 2021. Emotion as a source of moral understanding in conservation. Conservation Biology.
Jones MS and Niemiec R. 2020. Social-psychological correlates with individual and collective action for wildscape gardening. Journal of Environmental Management, 276, 111271.
Niemiec RM, McCaffery, S and Jones MS. 2020. Clarifying the extent and type of collective action problem posed by natural resource management on private lands. Ecology & Society, 25(1):30.
Jones MS, Teel TL, Martinez DE and Solomon J. 2020. Conflict and adaptation at the intersection of motherhood and conservation leadership. Biological Conservation, 243, 108487.
Corrigan C, Jones MS, Sandbrook C, Nelson F, Copsey J and Doak N., 2020. New collaborations for conservation leadership development. Oryx, 54, 151–152.
2019 and earlier
Jones MS and Solomon J. 2019. Challenges and supports for women leaders in conservation. Conservation Science and Practice, e36.
Taff D, Jones MS, Bruyere B, Newman P, Barborak JR, Manfredo MJ and Finchum R. 2015. The role of universities in protected area management: Considerations for the future. The George Wright Forum, 32(3), 308-316.
Select Technical Reports
Jones MS. 2021. The 2020 Women in Conservation Leadership Summit Evaluation Report. Fort Collins, CO: National Wildlife Federation.
Jones MS. 2020. Research findings from the Opening the Door to Diverse Voices training, delivered by Pride Lion Conservation Alliance for the Pathways Kenya 2020 Conference. Nairobi, Kenya: Women for the Environment Africa.
Skyelander K, Hauptfeld R and Jones MS. 2019. 10 Year Review of the CCC Fellows Program: Evolution and Impacts. Fort Collins, CO: Center for Collaborative Conservation.
Clements K, Jones MS, Kite M and Rubenstahl, E. 2015. TIDE Private Protected Lands Management Plan 2016-2020. Punta Gorda, Belize: Toledo Institute for Development and Environment.
Recent Presentations
International Human Bear Conflict Workshop. Community ambassadors for collective action: Opportunities to scale up behavior change to reduce human-bear conflict. Lake Tahoe, Nevada.
North American Congress on Conservation Biology. Why people do (or don’t) talk to others about conservation behaviors: An assessment of sustainable diets. Reno, Nevada.
North American Congress on Conservation Biology. Sexual harassment disproportionately affects historically excluded graduate students. Reno, Nevada.
APA Division 34 Online Conference. Let's talk about meat: Why people do or don't promote sustainable diets to others. Remote.
Center for Protected Area Management WoLead Program. Recorded webinar. Making the conservation sector more inclusive: Learning from how women in leadership navigate gender biases. Fort Collins, Colorado (Remote).
Emerging Wildlife Conservation Leaders. Invited webinar: Women in conservation leadership: Making the conservation sector more inclusive. Remote.
Conservation International Rising Women Program. Invited webinar: Women and gender in conservation leadership webinar. Remote.
North America Congress for Conservation Biology. Oral presentation: Jones MS, Niemiec RM. Social-psychological correlates with individual and collective action for wildscape gardening. Denver, Colorado (Remote).
Colorado Pollinator Summit. Invited keynote: Encouraging nature stewardship through wildscape gardening. Boulder, Colorado.
Center for Protected Area Management. Invited workshop: Women’s Conservation Leadership: Challenges and Strategies. Fort Collins, Colorado.
Women in Conservation Leadership Network. Invited lecture: Strategies and supports that help women conservation leaders. Cambridge, United Kingdom.
U.S. Forest Service International Programs. Invited lecture: Women conservation leaders in the United States: Gender-based challenges and supports and experiences of motherhood. Fort Collins, Colorado.
U.S. National Park Service. Invited lecture: Women conservation leaders in the United States: Gender-based challenges and supports and experiences of motherhood. Fort Collins, Colorado.
North America Congress for Conservation Biology. Speed talk: Jones MS, Teel TL, Solomon J, Weiss J. Wildscape gardeners and behavior change: Implications for conservation outreach. Toronto, Canada.
International Symposium for Society and Resource Management. Oral presentation: Jones MS, Teel TL, Solomon J, Weiss J. Wildscape gardeners and behavior change: Implications for conservation outreach. Salt Lake City, Utah.
Human Dimensions of Natural Resources Frontiers of Conservation Social Science Seminar Series. Invited lecture: Challenges and supports for women conservation leaders in the United States. Fort Collins, Colorado.
Colorado Chapter of The Wildlife Society Winter Meeting. Speed talk: A case study of behavior change among wildscape gardeners: Implications for conservation outreach. Grand Junction, Colorado.
Wildscape Ambassadors Appreciation Party. Invited lecture: “Understanding Conservation Behavior Change through a Study of Wildscaping on the Colorado Front Range. Denver, Colorado.
Colorado State University Graduate Student Showcase. Poster: Identifying challenges and supports for women conservation leaders. Fort Collins, Colorado.
Pathways Conference. Oral presentation: Identifying Challenges and Supports for Women Conservation Leaders. Estes Park, Colorado.